Unveiling the Hidden Sense behind Apple's Strategy on Vision Pro

Our founder, Andrey Drobitko, shared his philosophical-visionary perspective on understanding Apple's Vision Pro. It can be summarized as follows: The key to this understanding is eye tracking. At first glance, it may seem like a simple way to control the interface, but the concept goes much deeper.

Data is king

Companies like Google and Facebook try to predict our preferences based on the quantity and quality of data accumulated about us. While quantity may be sufficient, quality is not as straightforward. For example, I may like someone's post on Facebook out of support, even if I don't actually like it, just because I know it's important to that person. However, Facebook and Google interpret it as my genuine interest, which is not the case.

As a result, my profile to them becomes a collection of actions that don't truly reflect my personality.

Now let's turn to Apple. Their strategic focus on the user's eyes gives them an advantage in understanding the individual at a deeper level that others won't achieve anytime soon.

Our eyes/pupils react to all events without exception. It can determine reactions to any object and action. Again, I can like a post on Facebook, and Facebook will take it as my interest, but my pupil won't react, and only Apple will understand my genuine reaction.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, reflecting everything that appears to be concealed, and Apple is poised to comprehend it ahead of others.

When we add all the sensors from Apple Watch and the entire Apple ecosystem, we obtain a true portrait of a person, their true passions, fears, and deep desires.

The number of sensors for each eye in the Vision Pro hints at where Apple is aiming, leaving us to speculate about all their plans.


If we're speaking generally, we believe it represents a significant leap forward, especially for Sketchar. Having launched AR Drawing in 2017, we see immense potential in enhancing people's creativity through the use of immersive technology.