Bye, 2017: the greatest things that hit us this year!

Year-end is a perfect time to contemplate the last twelve months and indicate how our project is performing.

Well, the big breakthrough came in 2017 when we had three successful launches on different mobile platforms accompanied with featuring on the App Store, Google Play and Microsoft store all over eighty countries!

We’ve been lucky to be mentioned many times in major tech media like Mashable, The Verge, Wired, TechRadar, Gizmodo, etc.
Some of our videos has been viewed almost five million times! Not bad, huh? Thanks to all journalists who helped to discover our technology and deliver our mission to users. We’ve got a lot of attention this year.

We are still building a community of curators, artists, and influential people. So many talented people who share our values and help to promote the app by doing the art with augmented reality! Watch our collaborations and live drawing performances on SketchAR’s Youtube Channel and, of course, join us.

Nowadays most of people have smartphones which provide amazing tools, allowing people to engage easily. AR will add to this by grabbing the attention of students, as well as motivating to study! The proof is an overcrowded stand of SketchAR at the largest conference about AR/VR, Augmented World Expo USA, Asia.

Also, we have made a huge technological step over the gap when partly rewrote our core and started to use advantages of ARkit for iOS and ARcore for Android. We improved the algorithm of detecting the circles and now are closer to “progressive markers” than ever (when any stroke a user makes is considered as a marker).

A cherry on top: SketchAR is the #1 of the most promising tech startup from Lithuania and listed as one of the Best AR Apps 2017 ! But we believe the best is yet to come and ready to reach new heights in 2018!


SketchAR team