A tremendous effect on the whole educational system from augmented reality.
Here is our vision of the level of the quality of art growing globally using AR we shared at Singularity University Summit in Milan, and later at Augmented World Expo in Munich.
The main problem for people wanting to start creating something is psychological — the fear of a white canvas.

Imagine how difficult it is for the average person if asked, “Please draw something for me. I can’t tell you what exactly, but something beautiful.”
Even if you are a professional artist, you are always confused and must think clearly about how to take the first step, including me.
Let’s see if we can turn adults into children like Picasso said, to give them the opportunity to learn to draw, something which is much easier than they think.
AR is going to have a tremendous effect on the whole educational system.
It’s common to see large numbers of beginner level artists gaining skills from a variety of online sources, becoming ‘intermediate level’, and then spreading their art with the world. Some of them think that this is the highest level of their skills — they’ve reached their pinnacle, however, let us not forget the Dunning-Kruger effect. The whole sphere suffers from this as the quality of art remains mediocre.
So, Our mission is to spread the new augmented reality tool SketchAR, so many people can become intermediates easily.
Well, some intermediates will most certainly become angry because of this. We, of course, understand their feelings. They cannot easily sell their “unique” art anymore.
So, their only obvious next step is to continue to grow further to outcompete their new competitors.
It follows that in this new expanded competitive group of intermediate artists, a significant amount will want to become PRO meaning the quality of art overall becomes higher than before.
Taking into consideration the white canvas problem, the Dunning-Kruger effect, and brain functionality with augmented reality, we end up with a world where art is more inclusive, and with the more quality art being created using immersive technology.

Start drawing easily using augmented reality!