What is verification?

Verification is a process required to get a special check mark next to your profile picture on Sketchar. This check mark means that your account has been manually reviewed by our staff.

What does verification give you?

The primary benefit is the ability to upload your artworks made via other creative apps to your Sketchar profile. The verification allows us to be confident in the authenticity of your art. Moreover, this provides extra visibility to your works on the activity feed.

How to get verified?

In order to pass the verification process as a creator on Sketchar, please ensure that your profile contains the following:

  • cover image;
  • profile picture;
  • biography;
  • link to another public profile (Instagram, portfolio, etc.);
  • blockchain wallet address, e.g. MetaMask (if you want to receive money from NFT sales);
  • at least one artwork created with Sketchar.

Fill in and submit your application form.

What is the verification process?

  1. Once your request is submitted, it gets added to the queue in chronological order (from oldest to newest).
  2. When our reviewers begin checking your profile, they check your cover image, profile picture, etc. If any of that doesn’t add up, your request is automatically denied with the appropriate reason.
  3. If you meet the above-mentioned requirements, the reviewers proceed to checking your social media accounts. Please note that we’re not looking at follower counts, as this metric doesn’t play any role in getting verified on Sketchar. We check your social media to see the authenticity of your art.
  4. The reviewers additionally check your Sketchar account (to be sure you’re not using internet images downloaded from Pinterest, Google, or etc.) and perform reverse image searches on the items you’ve already posted on the Sketchar marketplace.
  5. If your application hasn’t raised any red flags, it gets approved!

Why does verifying take so long?

There are several reasons for that. First of all, we receive over 1,000 verification requests daily. Secondly, each request submitted is reviewed by a human.

Please be patient.

Some extra detail

Dear creator, keep in mind that we physically cannot handle thousands of requests a day, although we’ll do our best to process your application within 30 business days.

Also, we urge all our users to report any verified accounts that appear to be in violation of our Terms of Use. We want Sketchar to remain as authentic, creative, and healthy as our beloved community — and we’d love each of you to join us on this mission.

Finally, please remember that getting the verification check mark doesn’t mean you’ll have instant success on the platform. This is part of a long road to becoming the next Big Artist.

Elevate your creativity with Sketchar! Download the app for iOS or Android for free.

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